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Fecha de redacción: 2017-10-19


Digital Flow Switch high flow version PF2A
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Construcción Digital Flow Switch
presión de servicio máx. -50 kPa
Tens. nominal 24 V DC
Indicador de func. 3 digits, 7-Segment-LED
lights at output signal = ON: OUT1: green, OUT2: red)
Cable E/S without connection cable
Tipo de protecc. IP 65
Temper. de medios 0 °C to +50 °C
Temp. entorno 0 °C to +50 °C
Medios Air and nitrogen
Serie PF2A
Otras especif. for air and nitrogen
Three types of output: Switch, accumulated pulse and analog outputs

Switching of current flow to accumulated flow is possible
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Digital flow switch, series PF2A, for air and nitrogen, three output types: Switch, accumulated pulse and analogue outputs, switching from real-time flow rate to accumulated flow is possible, measuring range 1 to 10 l/min, media temperature 0 to 50 °C, operating temperature range 0 to 50 °C, repetition accuracy max. ±3% of the measuring range, temperature characteristic max. 5% of the measuring range. (0 to 50 °C, based on 25 °C), current consumption (no load) max. 170 mA, measuring principle thermistor (heating element), operating display 3-digit, 7-segment LED (illuminates at output signal ON OUT1: Green
OUT2: Red), operating pressure range –50 kPa... 0.5 MPa, switch output PNP open collector
internal voltage drop max. 1.5 V (at 80 mA working current)
2 outputs, supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC, protection class IP 65, connection size G 1/4

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