Silencers with early warning function
Toote pilt

Töörõhk |
5 bar |
Töötemperatuur |
Max. 70 °C |
Tavaline |
G thread acc. to DIN EN ISO 228-1 |
Materjal |
PP |
The silencer’s warning indicator gives an early warning if the back pressure in the system is too high. Maintenance personnel can both see and hear (from the elevated sound level) that it is time to replace the silencer before costly and unnecessary disruptions impair operation.
The design is based on a two-chamber system with inner and outer silencing chambers.
The inner diffuser serves as a warning indicator that is pressed out when back pressure is too high.
The silencer should be replaced as soon as the inner diffuser extends far enough to show the red marking on the warning indicator.
Lisaandmed saate soovi korral.

Alustada sorteerimist ülalt
Alustada sorteerimist altpoolt
![]() |
Keere | A (mm) |
B (mm) |
Läbivool (L/min) |
Müratase (dBA) |
Müra vähendamine |
K- 07 40 15 22 | G 1/8 male | 15,7 | 35,5 | 450 | 65,5 | 32 dB(A) |
K- 07 40 15 23 | G 1/4 male | 19,6 | 42,6 | 883 | 66,5 | 33 dB(A) |
K- 07 40 15 24 | G 3/8 male | 26,8 | 57,0 | 1480 | 73,2 | 30 dB(A) |
K- 07 40 15 25 | G 1/2 male | 32,4 | 73,5 | 1910 | 76,5 | 33 dB(A) |
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