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Olukord: 2017-10-19


Service units, 3-piece with polycarbonate bowl and bowl guard
Tootepilt ära peitaToote pilt
K-WTEH 3-TLG PC SCHU VARIOBLOC data/img/product/00042817_0.gif - K-WTEH 3-TLG PC SCHU VARIOBLOC
Omadused ära peitaOmadused
Sisendrõhk Max. 16 bar (polycarbonate bowl), Max. 20 bar (metal bowl)
Aine temperatuur max. 50 °C
Keskkonnatemperatuur Max. 50 °C (polycarbonate bowl), Max. 80 °C (metal bowl)
Filterelemendi pooride suurus 40 μm
Tihendusmaterjal NBR
Vedrukate POM
Korpus Die-cast zinc
Membraan NBR
Tilgapüüdur PA
Drain valve Manual
Läbivoolu väärtuse mõõtmine At P1 = 10 bar, P2 = 6 bar and pressure drop Δp = 1 bar
Kirjeldus ära peitaKirjeldus

Two or three-piece service units consisting of a reversible diaphragm pressure regulator, independent of inlet pressure, with self-relieving design, combined with a centrifugal separator and a proportional lubricator. Approved series in modern industrial design, with the following key benefits: Simple handling, Convenient modular assembly thanks to innovative fasteners, Excellent flow values.

Vihjed ära peitaVihje

Lisaandmed saate soovi korral.

Tootetabel ära peitaArtikkel

Alustada sorteerimist ülalt

Alustada sorteerimist altpoolt

Lisateabe peitmineLisateave

Service units are also available with bowl guard or metal bowl. Service units are also available in other control ranges.

Tellimisinfo ära peitaTellimisinfo

Service units are also available with bowl guard or metal bowl. Service units are also available in other control ranges (0.5 - 6 bar and 0.5 - 16 bar) and in lockable version. Please ask for more information.


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