Pressure gauges (CrNi steel type / connection radial on bottom)
Afbeelding product

Type |
232.50 |
Uitvoering |
Bourdon-tube pressure gauge, CrNi steel type, all-stainless steel |
Toepassing |
For gaseous or liquid media which do not corrode copper alloy,do not have high viscosity and do not crystallise |
Kwaliteitsklasse |
1.6 (Ø 63 mm), 1.0 (Ø 100 mm and Ø 160 mm) |
Mediumtemperatuur |
max. +200 °C |
Omgevingstemperatuur |
-40 °C to +60 °C |
Behuizing |
CrNi steel |
Kijkglas |
Laminated safety glass Ø 63 = Polycarbonate |
Andere gegevens op aanvraag.

oplopend sorteren
aflopend sorteren
![]() |
Meetbereik | Ø (mm) |
Aansluiting |
K- 07 20 06 01 | -1 / 0.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 02 | 0 - 2.5 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 03 | 0 - 4.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 04 | 0 - 6.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 05 | 0 - 10.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 06 | 0 - 16.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 07 | 0 - 25.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 08 | 0 - 40.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 06 09 | 0 - 100.0 bar | 63,0 | G 1/4“ |
K- 07 20 00 36 | -1 / 0.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 37 | -1 / +0.6 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 38 | -1 / +1.5 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 39 | -1 / +3.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 40 | -1 / +5.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 41 | -1 / +9.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 42 | -1 / +15.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 43 | 0 - 1.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 44 | 0 - 1.6 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 45 | 0 - 2.5 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 46 | 0 - 4.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 47 | 0 - 6.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 48 | 0 - 10.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 49 | 0 - 16.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 50 | 0 - 25.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 51 | 0 - 40.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 00 52 | 0 - 60.0 bar | 100,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 10 | -1 / 0.0 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 11 | -1 / +0.6 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 12 | 0 - 1.0 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 13 | 0 - 10.0 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 14 | 0 - 16.0 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
K- 07 20 03 15 | 0 - 25.0 bar | 160,0 | G 1/2" |
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