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Versie: 2017-10-19


Flat suction pads, round, material silicone
Afbeelding product verbergenAfbeelding product
Eigenschappen verbergenEigenschappen
Eigenschappen minimal priming
high lateral forces realized
good stability in the sucked state
Support surfaces on the bottom
fastest cycle times

high suction force with small dimensions
Toepassingsgebied Handling of parts with plain to an slightly rough surface like sheets,
cartons, glass, plastics
Beschrijving verbergenBeschrijving

Robust and hard-wearing suction pad with a single sealing lip. Used wherever objects (parts, packing materials, etc.) need to be lifted, transported, turned over or handled in some other manner. It is also ideal when it is necessary to handle smooth or slightly rough surfaces. Due to its flat shape, it can grip the workpiece in a very short time and withstand the forces that result from fast movement of the object during handling. It acts as the connecting element between the vacuum generator and the workpiece.

Aanwijzingen verbergenAanwijzing

Mini-sensor with housing and connection cable, analogue or digital output signal. Minimum size and low weight combined with high measuring accuracy.
Andere gegevens op aanvraag.

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Attention: The price does not include connection nipples. Please order separately.

Toebehoren product verbergenToebehoren
Connection nipples for flat suction pads
Connection nipples for flat suction pads

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