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Stav: 2017-10-19


Pressure gauge stopcocks, male - loose (rotatable) female
Potlačiť obrázok produktuObrázok produktu
Potlačiť vlastnostiVlastnosti
Použitie For all pressure gauges with a flat gasket acc. to DIN 16258
Rozsah tlaku Max. 16 bar, depending on the variantPressure gauge valves should be used for higher pressures
Teplota Max. +50 °C
Kryt Brass with a bare metal surface or stainless steel 1.4571
držadlo Plastic
Skúšobná príruba -
Potlačiť popisPopis

It is useful to install a stopcock as a shut-off element between the pressure gauge and the pipe. When the lever is set to the »blow out« position, the medium is discharged into the atmosphere. Stopcocks with a test port allow pressure gauges to be simultaneously connected to the pipe.

Potlačiť upozorneniaPoznámka

K-07201090, K-07201091 in acc. with DIN 16261-A, K-07201096, K-07201097 in acc. with DIN 16261-B
K-07201128, K-07201129 in acc. with DIN 16262-A, K-07201127 in acc. with DIN 16262-B
Ďalšie údaje na vyžiadanie.

Potlačiť tabuľku produktuVýrobok

triedenie nahor

triedenie nadol

Skryť dodatočné informácieDodatočné informácie

Further measuring ranges on request
Version for panel mounting available on request. Version with max. pointer available on request

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