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Stav: 2017-10-19


Proportional valves for controlling the flow of air / gas / water / oil, 24 VDC, closed when de-energised
Potlačiť obrázok produktuObrázok produktu
K-PROP VENTIL LU GA WA 24 V DC data/img/product/00042726_0.gif - K-PROP VENTIL LU GA WA 24 V DC
Potlačiť vlastnostiVlastnosti
Rozsah teplôt Max. 50 °C (G 1/8), Max. 90 °C (G 1/4, G 3/8)
Médiá Air, neutral gases, water, oil
Rozsah tlaku Vacuum (max. 8 bar)
Ovládanie Via plug amplifier 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
Chovanie Failsafe Tight closure in case of loss of voltage
kryt, sedlo ventila Brass
vnútorné diely Stainless steel
tanier ventila FKM
Tesniaci materiál FKM
Potlačiť popisPopis

Ever increasing requirements with regard to quality, precision, productivity, convenience, user friendliness and service represent tough challenges for industrial plant and production facilities. These challenges can only be mastered if physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, force, speed, torque, etc. are optimally adapted to the operating conditions of each installation. Stepless adjustment of these parameters is vital.
Proportional valves allow the medium to be varied as a function of an electronic input variable.
By linking these valves to the electronics, it is possible to improve their accuracy and broaden their range of applications. A pressure regulator, for instance, needs to be suitable for several pressure ranges without having to adjust the pressure manually.
Proportional valves control the output pressure in a closed control loop proportionally to the selected setpoint signal. This output pressure, in other words, is continually compared with the specified setpoint and automatically adjusted according to actual parameter values.

Potlačiť upozorneniaPoznámka

Ďalšie údaje na vyžiadanie.

Potlačiť tabuľku produktuVýrobok

triedenie nahor

triedenie nadol

Skryť dodatočné informácieDodatočné informácie

We recommend combining these proportional valves with a plug amplifier, type K-07250999 or K-07251000
We recommend combining these proportional valves with a plug amplifier, type K-07250999 or K-07251000

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