Leakage finder
Slika izdelka

delovna frekvenca |
40 kHz ± 2 kHz |
Priključek |
4-pin connection for headphones and charger, 3.5 mm stereo jack for connecting sensor and cable |
laser |
Wave length: 655 to 660 nm, Output power: 0.4 to 0.5 mW |
napajanje z energijo |
Internal NiMH rechargeable battery |
trajanje delovanja |
Approx. 6 hours without laser / 4 hours with laser |
čas polnjenja |
Approx. 1.5 hours |
temperatura uporabe |
0 °C to +40 °C |
temperatura ležaja |
-10 °C to +50 °C |
Function: The annual energy cost of leaks in pneumatic and gas systems are high and avoidable. When these gases flow unused out of leaks, they create noises inaudible to the human ear. With the LS 100, even the smallest leaks can be heard from several metres distance. It transforms inaudible signals to a frequency that can be detected visually on the display and acoustically with the supplied sound-proof headphones. Use: leakage inspections of pneumatic, gas, steam and vacuum systems.
The advantages of the LS 100: Simple and quick measurement, even from distances of several metres
Measurements can be taken on running systems, without affecting their operation
The device is quickly amortised by the high cost savings
Drugi podatki na zahtevo.

- Aluminium-telescopic pole
Zavrnitev odgovornosti
Kljub skrbnemu preverjanju napak ne moremo izključiti in za informacije, ki so tu navedene, ne prevzemamo nobene odgovornosti.
Vse informacije v našem spletnem katalogu temeljijo na trenutno veljavnih standardih in predpisih poklicnih združenj. Samo če se držite naših navodil za montažo, vam lahko zagotovimo varnost proizvodov. Neupoštevanje teh pravil lahko vpliva na zanesljivost izdelka in vodi do izgube naše garancije. Naša garancija v vsakem primeru velja samo za izdelke HANSA-FLEX. Naše izdelke se stalno dalje razvija, tehnične spremembe so torej možne.