Polyamide DUO hoses
Slika izdelka
![K-ZTR POLYAMID K-ZTR POLYAMID](/data/img/product/00020434_0.jpg)
Barva |
Blue / black |
temperatura |
-60 °C to +100 °C |
DUO hoses made of polyamide PA 12. PA 12 exhibits excellent impact and notched-impact resistance, even at temperatures as low as -60°C, and is resistant to corrosion and suitable for a wide temperature range. It has a low water absorptive capacity and is therefore dimensionally stable if the ambient humidity varies. PA 12 resists greases, oil, fuels, hydraulic fluids, alkalis and salt solutions. Sufficient UV resistance can only be guaranteed if the material is pigmented black! PA DUO hoses are not suitable for use with push-in fittings. Suitable for vacuum up to 12 x 9 mm.
Drugi podatki na zahtevo.
razvrstiti rastoče
razvrstiti padajoče
![]() |
Ø cevi znotraj (mm) |
Ø cevi zunaj (mm) |
Max. working pressure resistance at 23°C (bar) |
K- 07 10 04 92 | 4,0 | 6,0 | 27 |
K- 07 10 04 93 | 6,0 | 8,0 | 19 |
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