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Date: 2017-10-19


Fitting spray
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Properties Good sealing/blocking properties against liquid media
Reduces friction and slip stick
Prevents corrosion, including fretting corrosion, oxidation, wear
Prevents seizing, cold fusing
Temp. range -40 °C to +1400 °C
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Applications include fittings and parts with extreme dynamic loads and slowly rotating systems in the high temperature range.

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This metal-free * product the special properties are ensured by the special additives and ceramic solid lubricants in the smallest particle size.Especially in high-alloy steels and in the use of different metals, the exceptionally good release effect of fitting spray 400 shows white. The product is characterized by a pressure capacity (<230 N / mm2). Assembly Spray 400 white is resistant to freshwater, sea and hot water, steam, alkaline and weakly acidic media, and strong adhesion and water repellent. In addition, the product is free of sulfur-containing additives and halogens. If optical reasons, the use of metal-containing products is undesirable, as well as nickel-containing products for health reasons and copper-containing electrochemical reasons may not be used, then fitting spray is 400 knows particularly well suited. * up to max. 0.1% of the shares


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