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Date: 2017-10-19


Square multi-coupling (fixed)
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Application Industry
Transport and municipal vehicles
Agricultural technology
Connection 1 metric cylindrical outer thread
Sealing form 1 24° inner cone
Connection 2 Plug in sleeve
Standard complies with ISO 16028
Residual pressure: for coupling under residual pressure up to 40 bar on the plug side
Design Multicoupling
Construction type Panel construction as quick-change system
max: Flow 100 L/min
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Quick release couplings are used when add-on parts need to be replaced frequently.

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Multi couplings offer considerable benefits over bundled screw and plug-in couplings: ‐ Time saving factor due to fast and convenient exchange of add-on parts ‐ Convenient handling with simultaneous coupling of multiple connections ‐ Trouble-free coupling even if system pressures are applied ‐ No confusion between connections, no reversal of flow paths ‐ Flat seal valves prevent oil leakages, air admittance and allows efficient cleaning even in soiled working environments


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