Inline pressure regulators, 2 x female thread, self-relievingSlika proizvoda
Radni tlak |
Max. 25 bar |
Temperaturno područje |
0 °C to +80 °C |
Kućište |
Aluminium |
preostali dijelovi |
Stainless steel, nitrile rubber, brass |
The majority of pneumatic tools are connected directly to the compressed air supply by means of a quick disconnect coupling, in other words they tend to be supplied with a higher pressure than is actually required. Which increases consumption and leads to tool overload. Added safety is provided by the automatic self-relieving function. If the tool is disconnected from the hose, it continues to work for a short period, even though it has been switched off, owing to the residual pressure that is present on the tool side.
Inadvertent operation of the tool can thus lead to serious injuries to the user (tackers or nail drivers can fire up to another ten shots).
This effect can be prevented by using the inline pressure regulators, which have a preset pressure determined by the application, thereby achieving energy efficiency and economy.
Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
poredati uzlazno
poredati silazno
Naziv | Navoj | Radni tlak, unaprijed namješten | Protok | A (mm) |
SW (mm) |
K- 07 25 02 83 | G 1/4 | 2 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 84 | G 1/4 | 3 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 85 | G 1/4 | 4 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 86 | G 1/4 | 5 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 87 | G 1/4 | 6 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 88 | G 1/4 | 8 bar | 600 - 800 l/min | 56,6 | 16 |
K- 07 25 02 89 | G 3/8 | 2 bar | 2000 l/min | 63,0 | 22 |
K- 07 25 02 90 | G 3/8 | 4 bar | 2000 l/min | 63,0 | 22 |
K- 07 25 02 91 | G 3/8 | 6 bar | 2000 l/min | 63,0 | 22 |
K- 07 25 02 92 | G 3/8 | 8 bar | 2000 l/min | 63,0 | 22 |
K- 07 25 02 93 | G 1/2 | 2 bar | 3000 l/min | 67,5 | 27 |
K- 07 25 02 94 | G 1/2 | 4 bar | 3000 l/min | 67,5 | 27 |
K- 07 25 02 95 | G 1/2 | 6 bar | 3000 l/min | 67,5 | 27 |
K- 07 25 02 96 | G 1/2 | 8 bar | 3000 l/min | 67,5 | 27 |
Isključenje jamstva
Usprkos pažljivoj provjeri ne mogu se isključiti pogreške i zbog toga ne preuzimamo odgovornost za sadržane podatke.
Svi podaci u našem online katalogu temelje se na trenutno važećim normama i propisima strukovne zadruge. Poštivanje naših propisa montaže jamče Vam sigurnost proizvoda. Nepoštivanje svih navedenih propisa može ugroziti sigurnost rada proizvoda i dovesti do gubitka jamstva. Naše jamstvo vrijedi u svakom slučaju samo za HANSA-FLEX proizvode. Naši proizvodi se stalno dalje razvijaju i zbog toga su moguće tehničke promjene.