Boxed set »Blue Series«
Obrázok produktu

Practical, high-quality assortment of the most popular parts in our »Blue Series« of push-in fittings, packaged in a sturdy plastic case. Total of 31 different small part types, conveniently arranged in 24 plastic compartments. The inserts can be removed and rearranged inside the case according to individual needs. All inserts are labelled with the article numbers of the parts they contain.
40 male connectors G 1/8-4, G 1/8-6, G 1/4-6, G 1/4-8, G 3/8-8
30 swivel type male elbows G 1/8-4, G 1/8-6, G 1/4-6, G 1/4-8, G 3/8-8
25 unions 4, 6, 8 mm
15 reducers, 6/4, 8/6, 10/8
10 male elbows 6, 8 mm
20 union tees 4, 6, 8 mm
9 reducers with push-in plug 6/8, 6/10, 8/10
10 plugs 6, 8 mm
10 sockets G 1/8, G 1/4, G 3/8
1 PTFE sealing tape
1 hose cutter
Dodatočné informácie
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