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Stav: 2017-10-19


Hose rupture valves Typ Hose Guard
Potlačiť obrázok produktuObrázok produktu
Potlačiť vlastnostiVlastnosti
Kryt Aluminium
Piest Polyacetate (G 1/4 to G 1/2); Aluminium (G 3/4 to G 2)
O-krúžok NBR
max. vstupný tlak 18 bar (G 1/4 to G 3/4); 35 bar (G 1 to G 2)
Rozsah teplôt -20 °C to +80 °C (G 1/4 to G 1/2)
-20 °C to +120 °C (G 3/4 to G 2)
Zabudovanie Upstream of a coupling (connector between hard piping and junction box/coupling) and downstream of a service unit
Potlačiť popisPopis

Efficient protection for ruptured hoses or pipes in pneumatic systems. Preset to permit normal air consumption by pneumatic tools. Hose Guard detects a rupture in a hose or pipe and interrupts the supply of compressed air in a fraction of a second apart from a minimal residual flow. Unaffected parts of the compressed air system remain fully pressurised, so that the damaged hose or segment can be replaced without difficulty. Once the ruptured hose or pipe has been repaired, the replaced segment gradually fills to its working pressure level. As soon as this occurs, Hose Guard opens the line again for normal operation. Hose Guard protects personnel, machinery and plant against damage if a pneumatic system or hose ruptures, complies with the EU standard DIN EN ISO 4414: 2010, 2011-04 - §, is reliable and tamper-proof, can be installed in any pneumatic system, bears the TÜV test mark 01-02-0145.

Potlačiť upozorneniaPoznámka

Ďalšie údaje na vyžiadanie.

Potlačiť tabuľku produktuVýrobok

triedenie nahor

triedenie nadol

Potlačiť upozornenia pre objednávkuPokyny pre objednanie

ATTENTION: For suitable hoses, please check the respective data sheet.

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