Service units, »ONE« Series, with pressure switch
Slika izdelka

vstopni tlak |
Max. 10 bar |
območje temperatur: |
-10 °C to +50 °C |
Sredstva |
stisnjen zrak |
razred zaščite |
IP 65 |
delovni tlak |
0.5 - 8 bar |
tlačno stikalo |
Changeover contact |
velikost por v filtrirnem elementu |
20 μm |
meritev pretoka |
At 6,3 bar and Δp = 1 bar |
Multifunctional service unit with 6 or 7 functions in a single device: 3/2-way valve (manually operated), filter with automatic drain valve, air ports, pressure regulator, pressure gauge, soft start valve and optional: pressure switch. This combination of extremely good flow rates and a wide range of functions integrated in a single, compact unit saves valuable space and is unmatched by any similar product available in the market! Soft starting independently of the load and easy replacement of the filter cartridge under pressure are just two of the other outstanding features of this amazing device.
Drugi podatki na zahtevo.

razvrstiti rastoče
razvrstiti padajoče
![]() |
Priključek | pretok (L/min) |
A (mm) |
B | C (mm) |
Napetost |
K- 07 25 13 82 | G 1/4 | 2400 | 165,5 | 144,0 mm | 35,0 | 24 V DC (for valves and pressure switch) |
K- 07 25 13 83 | G 3/8 | 3300 | 165,5 | 144,0 mm | 35,0 | 24 V DC (for valves and pressure switch) |
K- 07 25 13 84 | G 1/2 | 4000 | 165,5 | 144,0 mm | 35,0 | 24 V DC (for valves and pressure switch) |
Navodila za naročanje
This unit can also be supplied with many other combinations of functions and port sizes. We will be pleased to make you an offer to match your individual specification on request!
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