Inline ejectors »SLP«, plug connection
Slika izdelka
![K-INLINE-EJEKTTOREN SLP K-INLINE-EJEKTTOREN SLP](/data/img/product/00003872_0.jpg)
Lastnosti |
Vacuum generator with high maximum vacuum level (85% vacuum) No moving parts, which means no wear and no maintenance ultra small footprint, suitable for confined spaces minimal air consumption low noise |
Uporaba |
by screwing / plugging into the distribution beam direct attachment to the suction pad for handling various workpieces |
ohišje |
plastic (Typ SLP) |
sistem šobe |
Brass (type VR) |
Priključek |
thread connector |
For vacuum generation directly at the point of use. For direct installation between the suction pad and the compressed air supply. Purely pneumatic vacuum generator that operates on the Venturi principle. Compressed air enters the ejector and flows through a nozzle. This results in a vacuum immediately behind the nozzle outlet, and air is drawn in through the vacuum inlet. This air and the driving air leave the ejector and enter the atmosphere via the exhaust air outlet.
Drugi podatki na zahtevo.
razvrstiti rastoče
razvrstiti padajoče
![]() |
velikost šobe | odzračevalni priključek | priključek za stisnjen zrak | vakuumski priključek | stopnja praznjenja | poraba zraka za sesanje (L/min) |
maks. sesalna zmogljivost (L/min) |
dolžina (mm) |
Obratovalni tlak (bar) |
K- 07 45 01 27 | 0,5 | - | 4 mm | 4 mm | 85 % | 13,0 | 8,0 | 57,0 | 4,5 |
K- 07 45 01 28 | 0,7 | - | 4 mm | 4 mm | 85 % | 25,0 | 16,0 | 57,0 | 4,5 |
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