Pressure booster without regulator
Obrázok produktu

Vstupný tlak |
2 - 10 bar |
Výstupný tlak |
Max. 20 bar (regulated: max. 16 bar) |
Rozsah teplôt |
-10 °C to +50 °C (40 mm bore), -10 °C to +60 °C (63 mm bore) |
Médiá |
Filtered, unlubricated or lubricated compressed air (if lubrication is used, it must be continuous) |
Tesniaci materiál |
Regulátor tlaku |
With plastic body |
Kryt |
Aluminium, anodised |
rúrka |
Anodised aluminium jacket |
Montáž |
Any position, with 4 mounting holes |
P2:P1 |
2:1 |
Pressure multipliers (boosters) allow a separate compressed air store with up to double pressure to be installed for selected devices in a compressed air system without an external energy source, i.e. it is possible to work with a maximum pressure of 20 bar in a standard 10 bar system (maximum ratio 2:1). This is achieved using a double piston, which is operated by a combination of integrated check valves in such a way that the booster works automatically until the target pressure is reached in a compressed air tank and is then automatically switched off. A tank is always required to build up the pressure and store the compressed air!
For information about calculating the filling times for different tank sizes, refer to the above-mentioned data sheet available on our website
Ďalšie údaje na vyžiadanie.

triedenie nahor
triedenie nadol
![]() |
Prípojka | Ø piest (mm) |
V (mm) |
D (mm) |
K- 07 25 08 64 | G 1/8 | 40,0 | 64,0 | 194,0 |
K- 07 25 08 66 | G 3/8 | 63,0 | 98,0 | 290,0 |
Dodatočné informácie

- Accessories / spare parts for Air-air-multiplicator (booster)
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