Inline pressure regulators, non-self-relievingSlika izdelka
Obratovalni tlak |
max. 18 bar |
območje temperatur: |
0 °C to +60 °C |
toleranca tlaka |
± 0.3 bar at 10 l/min |
ohišje |
Zinc |
drugi deli |
Brass, NBR, stainless steel |
This single-acting diaphragm regulator can be installed in any pneumatic system. Since the pressure is preset in the factory and cannot be altered, the product is also tamper-proof. We recommend mounting the regulator directly on the tool to make sure the correct pressure is applied. In this case, the tool is never stressed by the higher pressure of the supply system and is protected against pressure fluctuations in hoses, pipes, etc. Energy efficiency and economic efficiency can be achieved by using an inline pressure regulator.
Drugi podatki na zahtevo.
razvrstiti rastoče
razvrstiti padajoče
Opis | Navoj | delovni tlak, prednastavljeni | A (mm) |
B | SW (mm) |
K- 07 25 02 75 | G 1/4 | 1 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 76 | G 1/4 | 2 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 77 | G 1/4 | 3 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 78 | G 1/4 | 4 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 79 | G 1/4 | 5 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 80 | G 1/4 | 6 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 81 | G 1/4 | 6,5 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
K- 07 25 02 82 | G 1/4 | 7 bar | 34,0 | 52,0 mm | 17 |
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Vse informacije v našem spletnem katalogu temeljijo na trenutno veljavnih standardih in predpisih poklicnih združenj. Samo če se držite naših navodil za montažo, vam lahko zagotovimo varnost proizvodov. Neupoštevanje teh pravil lahko vpliva na zanesljivost izdelka in vodi do izgube naše garancije. Naša garancija v vsakem primeru velja samo za izdelke HANSA-FLEX. Naše izdelke se stalno dalje razvija, tehnične spremembe so torej možne.