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Versie: 2017-10-19


Pressure booster with regulator
Afbeelding product verbergenAfbeelding product
K-DVST MIT REGLER data/img/product/00042164_0.gif - K-DVST MIT REGLER
Eigenschappen verbergenEigenschappen
Ingangsdruk 2 - 10 bar
Uitgangsdruk Max. 20 bar (regulated: max. 16 bar)
Temperatuurgebied -10 °C to +50 °C (40 mm bore), -10 °C to +60 °C (63 mm bore)
Middelen Filtered, unlubricated or lubricated compressed air (if lubrication is used, it must be continuous)
Afdichtmateriaal NBR
Drukregelaar With plastic body
Behuizing Aluminium, anodised
Buis Anodised aluminium jacket
Montage Any position, with 4 mounting holes
P2:P1 1:1 to 1.6:1
Beschrijving verbergenBeschrijving

Pressure multipliers (boosters) allow a separate compressed air store with up to double pressure to be installed for selected devices in a compressed air system without an external energy source, i.e. it is possible to work with a maximum pressure of 20 bar in a standard 10 bar system (maximum ratio 2:1). This is achieved using a double piston, which is operated by a combination of integrated check valves in such a way that the booster works automatically until the target pressure is reached in a compressed air tank and is then automatically switched off. A tank is always required to build up the pressure and store the compressed air!

Aanwijzingen verbergenAanwijzing

For information about calculating the filling times for different tank sizes, refer to the above-mentioned data sheet available on our website
Andere gegevens op aanvraag.

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Fixing bracket with nut

Toebehoren product verbergenToebehoren
Accessories / spare parts for Air-air-multiplicator (booster)

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