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Stanje: 2017-10-19


»drukosep« oil-water separators
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posoda Polyethylene / Polypropylene
filter Polypropylene / activated carbon
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For compressor capacities up to 3.5 m3/min. Why treat condensate? Condensate is produced whenever air is compressed. The amount of condensate depends on the size and operating time of the compressor. The condensate produced by oil-lubricated compressors can contain up to 2000 mg of oil per litre! According to § 7a of the Water Resources Policy Act, this condensate must be treated in line with the latest state of the art before it can be introduced into the public sewer system.
The maximum limit is 20 mg of oil per litre of water. If the condensate is not treated, it must be collected and disposed of by a specialist firm upon proof. »drukosep« separates the oil from the condensate with a combination of coalescence and activated carbon filters. The cleaned water can be discharged into the public sewer system, while the waste oil collects in the combination filter and can be disposed of together with it. Benefits of »drukosep«: Compact design, Secure wall or floor mounting, 3-stage combination filter, Test glass for the cleaned condensate.

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